Svelte Images - Flowbite

The image component can be used to embed images inside the web page in articles and sections based on multiple styles, sizes, layouts and hover animations

Get started with a collection of responsive image components coded with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS that you can use inside articles, cards, sections, and other components based on multiple styles, sizes, layouts, and hover animations.

Setup #

  import { Img } from 'flowbite-svelte';

Default image #

Use this example to show the a responsive image that won’t grow beyond the maximum original width.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" alt="sample 1" />

Image caption #

This example can be used to add a caption for the image often used inside articles.

sample 1
Image caption
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" alt="sample 1" caption="Image caption" />

Rounded corners #

Apply rounded corners to the image by using the specific utility classes from Tailwind CSS.

Border radius

Use this example to apply rounded corners to the image by using the rounded-size class where the size can be anything from small to extra large.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" alt="sample 1" size="max-w-lg" class="rounded-lg" />

Full circle

Use this example to mask the image inside a circle using the rounded-full utility class from Tailwind CSS.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-4@2x.jpg" alt="sample 1" size="w-96" imgClass="h-96" class="rounded-full" />

Image shadow #

This example can be used to show a shadow effect for the image using the shadow-size utility class.

sample 1
  • Svelte
  alt="sample 1"
  class="shadow-xl dark:shadow-gray-800" />

Retina-ready #

Use the srcset attribute to set Retina-ready images with double resolution.

sample 1
  • Svelte
  srcset="/images/examples/image-1.jpg 1x, /images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg 2x"
  alt="sample 1"
  size="w-full max-w-xl"
  class="rounded-lg" />

Image card #

Use this example to make the image a card item with a link and a short text description.

sample 1
Do you want to get notified when a new component is added to Flowbite?
  • Svelte
  alt="sample 1"
  figClass="relative max-w-sm transition-all duration-300 cursor-pointer filter grayscale hover:grayscale-0"
  captionClass="absolute bottom-6 px-4 text-lg text-white"
  caption="Do you want to get notified when a new component is added to Flowbite?" />

Image effects #

Use image effects such as grayscale or blur to change the appearances of the image when being hovered.


Use the filter option and apply a grayscale to the image element using the grayscale class.

My gallery
  • Svelte
  alt="My gallery"
  class="rounded-lg transition-all duration-300 cursor-pointer filter grayscale hover:grayscale-0" />


Apply a blur by using the blur-size utility class from Tailwind CSS to an image component.

My gallery
  • Svelte
  alt="My gallery"
  class="rounded-lg transition-all duration-300 blur-sm hover:blur-none" />

Alignment #

Align the image component to the left, center or right side of the document page using margin styles.


By default, the image component will be aligned to the left side of the page.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" size="max-w-lg" alt="sample 1" />


Horizontally align the image to the center of the page using the mx-auto class.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" size="max-w-lg" alignment="mx-auto" alt="sample 1" />


Use the ml-auto class to align the image to the right side of the page.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" size="max-w-lg" alignment="ml-auto" alt="sample 1" />

Sizes #

Set the size of the image using the w-size and h-size or max-w-size utility classes from Tailwind CSS to set the width and height of the element.


Use the max-w-xs class to set a small size of the image.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" size="max-w-xs" alt="sample 1" />


Use the max-w-md class to set a medium size of the image.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" size="max-w-md" alt="sample 1" />


Use the max-w-xl class to set a large size of the image.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" size="max-w-xl" alt="sample 1" />

Full width

Use the max-w-full class to set the full width of the image as long as it doesn’t become larger than the original source.

sample 1
  • Svelte
<Img src="/images/examples/image-1@2x.jpg" size="max-w-full" alt="sample 1" />

Props #

The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.

Name Type Default
caption string | undefined undefined
src string | undefined undefined
srcset string | undefined undefined
size string 'max-w-full'
alignment string ''
imgClass string 'h-auto'
figClass string 'max-w-lg'
alt string ''
effect string ''
captionClass string 'mt-2 text-sm text-center text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400'